Monthly Archives: October 2012

Woolly Mammoth!

Many people and some scientist  believe that we should bring back the Woolly Mammoth. I am not one of them. They just need to       leave mother nature alone.

This is why we shouldn’t bring back a Woolly Mammoth.   First: The cost-the money could be for people’s illness like breast cancer or other kinds of cancer.   Second : Where would it live ?  It couldn’t live where we live because we live in cities and there would not be any roaming room for it.    Third: What would the Mammoth eat?  The many trees  it would take to feed it would take all our forest away. It could even eat a person and it wouldn’t even care.

Many years ago things on earth were different when the Mammoth was on earth, but now they could not survive. A Mammoth is not a welcomed creature.